Developing a method that will help to reduce reoffending under young offenders by setting targets for their future and hand them tools to become better and more active citizens. Use of rap music and storytelling as a tool to communicate with the target group and as a language for them to formulate their ideas and goals.
Comparative research in the various partner countries to the existing methodologies to work with storytelling and rap music and above all to the indicators that can define the quality of the interventions. (IO1) Operators in the sector and the young inmates themselves will be involved as much as possible. –Co-construct indicators and criteria for comparing experiences. –Share outcomes research and involve them in the co-creation a draft version of the methodology (IO 2) –Developing tools for all those who work with young at risk. In the third phase of the project group interventions will be created and piloted in prisons. Create a focus group with family members of the young inmates, ex-offenders, prison staff, organizations involved in probation outside the prison walls and of course the young inmates themselves. By using the collective intelligence of this group and with the simultaneous presence of young people, parents and operators, we will create an opportunity to rework the experience related to the crime but we will also create an opportunity for all young offenders to formulate a way forward. (IO3) To participate in a project like GUTS can be a step to participating in other educational activities in the prison system. -In 2023 an on-line rap festival will be realized at one of the same dates as the big bi-annual EPEA conference. Livestream the festival during the conference, one of the ways to disseminate the project results.
Another exiting project kicking off. In the project “ART OF FREEDOM” we will work with partners from the UK, Hungary, Spain and Poland. The lead partner is the Croatian Association of Artists. Several artist who are represented in this group, have been making several murals in prisons and hospitals in Croatia. Together with them we will be working on two books on art, art education and art therapy in prisons in the next two years. We are really looking forward to this project. Unfortunately, like so many other meetings, this meeting to was online.
The storytelling tool that we have developed for the SIMPLE Project on social wellbeing of refugees is ready to be used. The only thing we have to do now is wait for the Covid restrictions to be lifted so we can pilot and improve it with our target group.
We are really proud on this one. The boardgame that Ed Santman has developed and designed for “Stichting Levvel” has finally arrived. This boardgame is meant to be a tool for young people to help them to arrange their finances and to be better prepared to arrange their own lives.
Two days online. The training that was supposed to take place in Bologna went remarkably well online. Our Italian partners explained many things about the way they approach their work.
GOOD FOODPRINT is the name of the project that we have been writing in recent weeks the ambition is to use arts and participation to raise awareness among young people about urgent issues like the relation between the food we eat and our environmental footprint.It was submitted under the extra Erasmus+ funding for art and culture that recently became available because of the Covid pandemic.
Produce and publish two educational books (manuals) explaining and displaying different aspects of artwork in the prison. Artists involved in working in prisons need to go through proper education: – a different approach to work, -a different approach to the people they will encounter. Promote education in prisons, search for professional associates, the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of good practice have been implemented in the European area for a long time. The transnational implementation of the project will use the specific knowledge and expertise off each partner.By educating the prison system’s expert staff about artistic activities, part of the scientific field of medicine and psychology, it is one of the important lifelong literacy processes. Partners: Kroatië: Hongarije: Polen:
About 120 people came to visit the final conference of the PAC project on active citizenship for prisoners. The meeting was at the Parliament of Brussels, a beautiful building in the center of the town. We were looking back on a very nice and successful project with some nice and inspiring results.
European project: SIMPLE had the kick off meeting in Malmö, Sweden.
stands for Social Integration of Migrants and activation of Paths for Learning
and Employability.
Simple is a internationals project funded by Erasmus+, aiming at people that are victims of human trafficking. The project is focusing on migrant women. The ambition is to explore, adapt and approach a method developed in Italy to work on the trauma these woman have developed. We all work with storytelling and visual narrative.