Ankie Til
Ankie has accumulated her knowledge and experience in the arts and cultural world, particularly in the performing arts. She was involved in differend fields such as organization, management, financial management and fundraising. She worked as an coordinator adviser for several theater and dance company’s. She was also member of the “Raad voor Cultuur”a body that acts as an adviser of the Dutch Government on dance theatre and the arts.
In all her functions, she has been involved in projects that were socially engaged, innovative. All of them were projects where the power and creativity in people met, and where ideals, creativity and passion are the leaders elements in the work.
Ed Santman
After his education at the “Willem de Kooning” Academy for fine Arts in Rotterdam, Ed worked as a painter, soon he also became involved in teaching. He has taught many art classes, some of them at art colleges, many in other settings, but hardly ever in formal school settings.
He became involved in working with underpriviliged groups when he started teaching art classes in prisons. Later on, he also started working with theater and music in prisons.
From 2009 he worked as a national coordinator of art education in all Dutch prisons. Through his work as a national coordinator he became involved in several European Projects such as PAN (Prison Arts Network), PEETA (Personal Effectiveness and Employability skills Through the Arts), Primedia (Prison and Media) and PICP (Partners In Crime Prevention) in most of these projects he was the coordinator or a member of the Steering Committee.
Ed is also the Dutch Liason Person of the EPEA (European Prison Education Association).